Hello! My name is Elizabeth, Lisi, I am an educator and I feel a great passion for my profession. My vocational orientation has not ceased to grow in these last 10 years that I have been working in educational projects oriented to infancy in Spain as well as in the United States of America, and it has achieved a new meaning since I became a mother in 2013 and once again in 2015. I was born in New Jersey, grew up in Madrid and I have spent the last five years in Austin, Texas where my two children were born. Our desire to find the right fit for our family in Seville, a nature-based and homelike environment school open to embrace other cultures brought us to Waldorf Sevilla Girasol; a marvelous space where I have the privilege to teach English at primary.
I do not believe in magical formulas when it comes to teaching a second language nor do I believe in results in the short term. We have different capabilities and interests. That is the reason why my lessons are based upon experience, feeling, movement, and the firm conviction that if want meaningful learning our heart and our brain need to be connected.
I hope that somehow our paths cross on this magical journey of raising bilingual hearts.